10 reasons why you should join a writing community

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Writing can be a lonely endeavor. Int he end it is the author who must pick up the pencil or sit at the keyboard and write the story. The vision of the lonely writer in their small Brooklyn apartment or out in a cabin in the woods might be romantic, but it isn’t realistic to being successful. Not in this day and age where the author is responsible for a large chunk (if not all) of the marketing and selling.

For years I did everything alone and thought that was how it was supposed to be, but I was very wrong. Finding a writing community is one of the best things I’ve done for myself as a writer in the past year. Now, I want to create that same experience for other authors. But before you look into my writing community or another writing community, take a look to see my top ten reasons why you should join one in the first place.

1. Connecting with other serious writers

The number one frustration for writers is trying to find others who are serious about hunkering down and writing the book. I have met several people who like to write, but that’s different than connecting with other writers who are serious about the craft. And being a published author is a prerequisite to being serious. The only thing required is that you are willing to ship away at writing that book or essay or memoir in a way that shows FINISHING it is your goal.

 2. Being able to talk about your WIP with passion as though the main characters are real

It’s so fun when you encounter other writers to talk about your latest writing to because they are usually extremely open to hearing all about it! And sometimes they even have questions! And talking about your characters as though they aren’t fiction? Well, that’s normal in writing circles! (Joining a writing group will give your poor family a break on hearing about your book because unless they’re writers too, they might not understand the passion we have for fictitious people!)

 3. One stop place to ask writing questions

Who better to ask about writing questions than other writers? Grammar, Point of View, punctuation, the latest writing software, only writers are going to know the ins and outs of all that!

 4. One stop place to ask questions on expertise that you need for your story. 

Sometimes you need some expertise. Or perhaps you have expertise that others need. It’s a win-win when you get to give a little and get a little. Whether it’s a question about swords or magic, how shoes are made or how people dressed in the Victorian age, asking other writers first is your best bet rather than going down a Google rabbit hole. It saves time to be either told about something another writer knows or be directed to a site they are familiar with. I talk about how this very thing could have saved an author from losing my mother as a reader in this blog post.

5. Enthusiastically dedicated to your success and the success of your book

Good writers wants good books on the market. They understand that we aren’t really in competition together, we just really want people to read good books. In a good writing group everyone will be committed to seeing each other succeed. They will want to make sure you have all the tools and access to the information that you need. Every author has to do the work behind it, but knowing you have people cheering you on is motivating! In the same way, being part of something that encourages you will bring you to encouraging the next group. If we all work together, the books will be the best that they can be and the thrill to read will continue to grow.

 6. Finding the right tools that WORK

A writing community can be a great place to get the right tools that work, instead of spending time and money on the myriad of tools out there. In a community you can get feedback on what has worked for other writers so you can make a better educated decisions on where to spend your money from book covers, to newsletter host to website, to social media, to promotional sites, etc.

7. Collaboration

In a writing community you will be able to collaborate with other authors for newsletter swaps, interviews, book reviews and beta readers. This will help you in reaching new readers for your books.

8. Book Launching help

A writing community can be the perfect place to find other authors willing to help you promote your book to their social media during your book launch. Or to even find people to fill up your book launch team!mYour book launch is very important to the success of your book. The more people you can collaborate and work with, the better! Plus, you can help them out when their time comes to launch!

 9. Accountability

Writers, not unlike most people in this world, sometimes have a hard time managing their time and getting that book finished. Finding an accountability partner is a great way to combat this! But let’s face it, you need someone who is s dedicated and serious as you are to their writing. Enter, the writing community. It’s a great place to find an accountability partner that’s right for you. Team up together to encourage each other to get the book done!

10. Encouragement to keep going

If it’s a fun place it makes writing that much more enjoyable. It will no longer feel hard to skip out on Netflix because you will want to show up for the other writers to show them what you’ve been working on and see what they’ve accomplished. Having a great place to go and be excited to be a part of something bigger than you sitting at your desk with your manuscript is a great way to keep going as a writer. You’re not alone, so why write all alone?

Want to check out a writing community? Find more information about mine community, Creative Writing Community.

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