And she is passionate about helping those who want to write their story get the tools and support they need.
After almost 10 years of pursuing the writing industry, Kat knows it takes more than just typing out a book to be a successful writer. As an author she decided to pursue the indie author route, publishing her historical romance, Stepping Across the Desert in 2017, her magical realism novel, An Audience with the King, in 2019, and her contemporary women’s lit, Coffee Stains, in 2021.
To help all writers, whether indie or traditionally published, Kat started her podcast Pencils&Lipstick in 2019, as well as the Creative Writing Community and the Creative Writing Sprints Membership in 2021.
If she isn’t writing or hanging out with her writing community, you can usually find Kat interviewing other creatives for her Pencil&Lipstick podcast or volunteering with her local church — always with a cup of cold brew nearby.
Kat moved around a lot as a young kid, but most of her childhood memories start around the time her family moved to Wisconsin to a horse farm. While living there for those three years, Kat grew to love the outdoors and horses, only to find her immune system DID NOT love it so much. When it was haying time or the pollen count was too high, she would have to stay indoors where she found herself reading all the books she could find and then writing her own stories. The first stories she wrote where basically fan fiction, or rewrites of the book she just finished, but with the dialogue or ending she would have preferred.
As the years went on Kat still continued to write. She found herself in a poetry season, but soon found it wasn’t her calling. In 2005 her first novel was published, but by a publishing house that claimed to be great while really being a vanity press. There was no editing and no marketing involved.
Kat slipped away, to lick her wounded writer’s soul, got married and set about writing again when she found herself without a job during the 2008 crisis. A few babies later, a few moves across the seas and back to the US later, Kat published her historical novel Stepping Across the Desert in 2017. She has been working hard to get her other books edited and ready for publication, but just had to write out a story that bubbled up within her last years in 2019. An Audience with the King will be out by summer’s end of 2019.
Besides writing, Kat loves experiencing life with her three daughters and her hard-working husband. She is obsessed with languages and cultures and reads pretty much anything laying about. Another passion of hers is to help other women get past any trauma they experienced in their past and to instead Live Forgiveness. And when she is not working on any of that, she is either journaling, attending her church or going on missions trips.