You can write that book, here is how you can start
(scroll down if you prefer the video. Basically says the same thing)
We live in an age when so many of us are running around like chickens with our heads cut off, just soooo busy! Who has time to sit down and start writing? And yet, for some of you, the idea of a book won’t leave your head.
Just last year a friend approached me for some pointers on how to start writing a book. She staretd out by saying, “Your a writer. That’s so fun! I always thought I should write a book.”
This is the same basic appraoch that a lot of people give me. I hear from so many that they want to write a book. Most have been thinking about it for years, but never had the confidence to start writing . Most didn’t know where to start and felt completely lacking in their ability to sit down and pound out one to two hundred pages of text.
First I told my friend that she absolutely COULD write her book. That there wasn’t really anything magical at all about being an author. There are so many kinds of books out there. Most are good books, but not all are ground breaking. I used to think that every book I produced had to be good enough to someday become a classic or iconic. But the truth it, it doesn’t.
The truth is that most don’t. I had to et to the place of understanding that if my book touched ONE person, then that was enough. That ONE person was worth it.
After encouraging her that she shoudl absolutely write her book, she asked me what I would do to get started. Of course, I said journaling. But that wasn’t enough. She had journals. I countered with, “start getting your ideas out of your head. Anything that you think you might want in the book.”
The look of overwhelm on her face almost made me laugh before I clarified, “Not writing! Just talking!”
Use the technology that we are so blessed to have! We have phones on which you can download apps to record audio files. If you don’t have a smart phone you ca buy a cheap audio, mp3 recorder that will fit inot your purse and can hook up to your computer to download the diles direclty for safe keeping. Your phone can also pass the audio files along for safe keeping.
I would say to start there. When you have a few minutes to think about your book, when you suddenly get that inspiration, reach for somethign to record the thought and do so. First of all, this will be less overwhelming that writing for the moment. Second of all, you will start to be able to hear the voice of your book.
No, these files won’t be polished. No, you don’t have to share them with anyone. And no, not all will be used in your book. But when you start gathering this data, it will be easier to see just how a book would come together and from that, you will gather more confidence for when it’s time to start writing.