There are days I feel as graceful as a ballerina dancing Swan Lake. And then there is the year 2020.
This year has most of us feeling as though a door hit us out of no where and sent us sprawling to the ground in a manner that might have sprained a groin muscle. Instead of the melodic music of brass and violins working together we hear the crash of symbols and the sour note of a child learning the trumpet.
That is our anthem for 2020.
But while we might feel as though our visions board deserve to be in a vault somewhere and our goals left the building long ago, there is still time to stand up, dust ourselves off and move forward.
While most of the world sits on Facebook and declares all those who disagree with them about masks or politics or schools, we could be moving forward in our creativity.
When is the last time you did something creative just to feel the rush of creating something?
It could be any number of things: cupcakes, a painting, sketching your cat, writing a poem. strumming a guitar, etc.
Heck, when was the last time you put on some music and just danced because you’re still alive?
2020 has brought heartache and loss and frustration to most people. There is enough sadness and anger to go around the world five times and worst of all, it all threatens to turn us all into cynical nihilists who just want the year to end.
Don’t wish away the last 12 weeks of the year. It’s time that you’ll never get back. We can buy almost anything but we can’t buy more time. Once the day is gone, it’s gone.
Once 2020 is gone, it won’t come back. Instead of saying ‘good riddance’, get up and look up. Take a deep breath and get out your pencils/art supplies/baking utensils and, rusty as you might be, put them to work. Create something beautiful. Create something ugly. Just create. And leave the rest of the world to argue fruitlessly on Facebook.