
Memoir Writing with guest Deborah Lucas

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Asa Certified Author Accelerator Book Coach,Deborah can pass on what she has learned, tohelp you with your writing, whether you are:at the beginning, finding the shape of your story; trudging through the writing but stuck halfway through; deep in revision with a full manuscript; or ready to complete and publish your book. Deborah doesn’t offer a prepackaged class that you never get through, but rather one-on-one support, helping you where you are at, giving you the tools you need to move forward.

Sign up for Deborah’s newsletter on her website: https://www.deborahannlucas.com/

The books Deborah talked about are: Breeding Sweetgrass, Still Life At 80 and Half-Broke.

Bended Love is out!! https://books.katcaldwell.com/bended-love

Get the prequel, Bended Dream, here: https://books.katcaldwell.com/bended-prequel

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