Seeking the Narrow Road

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In the last few weeks I’ve had the honor of speaking to many different creatives from many places around the States and the world. From South Africa to Utah to Alaska to Wales to Australia. I love seeing the creativity happening in the world from so many different people. If you haven’t had the chance to listen lately, I’ll link the podcast below. Writers, filmmakers, graphic designers, you name it, they have either been on Pencils&Lipstick or are coming up soon.

The road to living out your creativity is a narrow one. You must get up every day and find the strength to keep going. Even when no one sees the worth in your art. Even when everyone else wants you to pay attention to something else. You must keep going even when it seems so much easier to let it all go and watch television instead. 

Creativity takes work, and so many are willing to do that work to give us beauty everyday. Music, paintings, books, clothes, etc. A toast to all of you creatives, whether you do it for business or for self-care/hobby. You make the world a better place. 

And for those of you who wonder if you should do more of your art, the answer is…YES! Please! Spend a little bit of time each day in your craft and you will find it changing the world for the better. 

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