The superpower of collaboration

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Back in January I was part of a writing summit put together by Traci Skuce, the Story Midwife. (She is excellent, by the way, you should check her out if you don’t know her. I interviewed her for my podcast back in January.) As part of that summit I gave away access to my Start Writing Your Book in Five Days course plus the opportunity to talk to me for free.

(Just a side note, I love talking with other authors. It’s awesome how talking through questions or themes or writing blocks helps both parties!)

One woman contacted me to talk about her book that was already done. She had some questions about the ISBN (one which I had to look up, I’m never going to pretend to know something I don’t!), about where to publish it, how to categorize it, etc. 

After a bit of talking and tweaking she sent me the link to it once published on Amazon. After scrolling down I saw the categories she choose and suggested she find one or two that are super niched down. Since her children’s book has different languages and cultures and countries, she looked for one that it could fit into even if it wasn’t the entire theme of the book.

Not all the categories you choose (at least one or two) have to be the entirety of the book!

After changing two categories to less general and more niched down she found her book at #1 on the New Releases of children’s customs and traditions category! 

It’s so exciting! Because the minute your book is in the top ten of any category in Amazon it gets seen by the algorithm and you just have a better time at getting it in front of strangers. 

This is what I’m talking about when I talk about the Creative Writing Community. The more we collaborate with each other, help each other out and share the knowledge we have, the better for everyone. it’s so fun and exciting to be part of another author’s success!

For a limited time I’m giving away two private book coaching session when you sign up for the Creative Writing Community, no matter what the tier. Sign up now here or chat directly with me to find out if the community is right for you.

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