Read Through Service

Are you seeking fresh eyes on your manuscript to help elevate your story to the next level?

A Read Through provides comprehensive feedback on the overall flow and structure of your manuscript. This service focuses on high-level elements, offering insights and suggestions to enhance your story’s impact and readability.

What You Can Expect

When you opt for a Read Through, I will evaluate key aspects of your manuscript, including:

  • Story Structure: Does the narrative have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
  • Pacing: Is the story paced well, with a good balance between action and exposition?
  • Character Consistency: Are characters behaving in ways that are consistent with their development?
  • Plot Progression: Does each scene move the plot forward and maintain reader interest?
  • Reader Engagement: Is the story engaging and compelling from start to finish?

Why Choose a Read Through?

A Read Through is an excellent choice if you:

Are nearing the end of your writing process and want feedback on the overall story.

Need a professional perspective to identify any major issues before moving on to line editing or proofreading.

Want to ensure your manuscript is cohesive and captivating to readers.

How to Get Started?

Fill in the form by clicking the button below. If it’s a genre I know I can be of help with, I’ll get back to you ASAP. If it’s not a genre I can help with, I’ll let you know.

Please Note: I don’t read horror or novels with gratuitous violence/sexual assault against children. I enjoy mysteries and thrillers as long as the violence isn’t there for violence’s sake.