My Podcast

Keep me caffeinated so I can ask all the good questions!


Marketing with AuthorsXP with Amy Vansant

Amy Vansant started , a website dedicated to helping authors promote their books and build their audience. Authors can find newsletter buidlers, giveways, facebook ad help, reviews, beta readers and more at .  Today Amy tells us how she started…

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NoTimeWriter with Daria White

is a writer of sweet romance, christian ficiton and cozy mysteries. With over ten novels she knows what it takes, and doesn’t take, to get that book written. Which is why she started the group NoTimeWriter Mentorship program to give writers the…

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Plottr Your Book

You know I’ve struggled with outlining my novels, so when offered to come on Pencils&Lipstick and talk me thorugh their software, of course I said Yes! This week Troy talks all things outlinging, plotting, and even editing using . He’s sold on…

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WriteItScared with Stacy Frazer

Today I talk with Stacy Frazer, a fellow Author Acclerator Book Coach, about the key things a writer needs in their manuscript, about her webinar and much more! Stacy Frazer is a formerly repressed creative soul turned speculative fiction writer, YA…

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Judging Your Scene Like and Editor

They say to delete your darlings, but how do you know what is a darling? How can you decided which scenes to keep and which scenes to delete? In this show we’ll go through simpel ways to look at the scene and decide is it’s a keeper or it needs to be…

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Passionate Green Writing with Denise Baden

I’m happy to have Denise Baden back on the show this week to talk about all the projects she had going on, namely writing fiction for the COP27 summit in Egypt! Denise came on a year ago to talk about her novel, , which offered some gentle solutions…

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