My Podcast

Keep me caffeinated so I can ask all the good questions!


No Excuses with Esther Jacobs

They call her the ‘No Excuses Lady’ because she gets things done, whatever the circumstances. Her secret? Focus only on the things you can influence. Work with what you have. In the past 30 years as an entrepreneur she has turned many challenges…

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Bloodlines Reforged with RJ Hanson

began his love for all things fantasy at the age of 5. In 1978, when his mother bought him the Rankin & Bass production of The Hobbit, a 24 page read along with the record children’s book, RJ’s imagination was opened to a new world. Reading Tolkien,…

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Live, Write, Thrive with CS Lakin

After years working as a writer and editor, has a lot to share and teach about the craft of storytelling, even for the advanced writer. She created several courses for writers to show them how to create a commercially viable novel that you can find…

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It’s An Author Revolution with Carissa Andrews

My guest this week is , International Best-Selling author and creator of We talk about what she’s learned in the writing business in her years of being an Indie Author and why she’s focusing on author mindset in her and . Be sure to check then out!…

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How I got 460 newsletter subs

Today I give you feedback on some book promotion sights I’ve used. There are so many to choose from and I want to let you know what has worked for me, what I’ll choose to do again and possibly the reaosn behind them. I also link the promotions to your…

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The Henna Artist with Alka Joshi

Alka Joshi was inspired by the richness of Indian culture and her own Indian heritage for her writing. Her book The Henna Artist is a beautiful homage to the women of India who fought for sufferage by fighting for their own dignity and personal…

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Fiction University with Janice Hardy

Janice has a mission : To show writers ways to build a solid foundation for their writing. To provide tips and advice they could take right from these articles and apply directly to their work in progress. (To) give clear examples and advice on how…

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The Ghost Marriage – A Memoir

Kirsten MIckelwait is my guest this week. We talk about the intricasies of writing memoir, especially when the story might affect those you love. Kirsten lets us in on how she got through writing the most painful parts, how she handles criticism and…

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The Drive to Write with Rhonda Douglas

is a well respected Canadian short-story writer and poet. She has , and . She’s a writer with a day-call, an editor and writing mentor. Find Rhonda on her website Interact with Rhonda on Instagram  or on Become a Patron of the show! .

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Writers Helping Writers with Becca Puglisi

How can I find another word for happy? What kind of conflict would a childhood of excess create? How can I describe a rural setting with real language? Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman have the solution for you! Their are best-selling writing guides…

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Thriller Author Nick Thacker

Today’s guest is thriller author . He dipped his toes into the game a decade ago just for some fun, and is now a full-time writer. BUt not just a writer, we talk about all the other side projects he has as part of his mission to help authors in their…

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Romance Powerhouse Alessandra Torre

is a  romance author and romantic suspense writer (under the name   A R Torre). She has over 20 books, with one made into a movie for  Alessandra has earned the USA Today’s best-seller list several times with mulitple books.  But…

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Fleshing Out Characters

Sometimes editors and writers use these phrases that make sense and yet don’t make sense. Maybe you understand the concept of fleshing out a chracter, but how exactly do you do it? List their favorite snacks or their favorite movies? Describe in…

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Finding Plot Holes

This week I share about my trip to England and how it inspired me to really take a look at my novel. Before I left I knew there were some problems with it, and I hoped that taking a break would refresh me enough to magically find those holes and fix…

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Writer Beware! with Victoria Strauss

Have you even wondered if a publishing compancy is legitimate? Or if you should sign up for that marketing package? Victorica Strauss has been running for over two decades now to make sure writers know what they should look out for. In this episode I…

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Thoughts and Tools

A few thoughts today on when to share your work and what to expect from the places you share it. Sometimes we think the feedback will be worth the cost, but that isn’t always the case. Finding the right tools of the trade is important as well as…

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